Lower Back Manipulation

Hey there, it's Michael Brown from Cram Osteopaths in Glasgow! Today, I want to chat about one of the techniques we use in our practice: the lumbar spine manipulation technique. This one might give you a satisfying click or pop, and it's especially beneficial for those dealing with facet joint issues.
You may have seen us diagnose these conditions in our previous videos, but I thought it'd be great for you to experience it from a patient's perspective before visiting us. If you're dealing with one of these conditions, this technique could be just what you need.
Now, let's talk about those clicks and pops you might hear during the procedure. Some patients might feel a little anxious about these sensations, while others absolutely love it. No worries, it's a gentle process. You don't need a dramatic event with excessive clicking and popping. Our techniques here at Cram osteopaths are gentle and effective.
From this position, the osteopath determines which segment to manipulate. We might ask the patient to straighten their bottom leg and tuck the top leg behind the knee. I'll gently place my hand on your back, and apply some pressure to your pelvis.
Take a deep breath in and exhale fully. Let your body weight relax down. Perfect, just like that. And there you have it! If you're dealing with back pain and would like us to take a look, don't hesitate to get in touch using the button below or by calling 0141390894.

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