What are the best foot mobility exercises?


We are nearly at the end of March so we wanted to share some easy foot exercises. These can be done daily and can help with general foot tightness and joint mobility.

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Is injury holding you back at the gym?

Do you want you to start as you mean to go on?
Is injury holding you back?
Do you have neck pain, back pain or a tendinopathy?
Or is something else bothering you and you don't know where to turn for help?
The team at Cram osteopaths are ready to get you back on track and get you feeling your best for 2023.
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Do Osteopaths only treat backs?


Osteopaths treat much more than just your back.  They can also help with many different issues including bursitis, sprains and strains, tendonitis, tennis elbow, Plantar fasciitis and much more. In this video Joanna explains more about what an osteopath could do for you.

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