Is your back sore after wrapping Christmas gifts?

Just before Christmas is probably one of the worst times to hurt yourself.  Gift wrapping is one of the easiest ways to accidentally hurt your back while doing something in preparation for the big day.  Here are some helpful gift wrapping tips to avoid hurting yourself while getting prepared for Christmas day.
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Do Osteopaths only treat backs?


Osteopaths treat much more than just your back.  They can also help with many different issues including bursitis, sprains and strains, tendonitis, tennis elbow, Plantar fasciitis and much more. In this video Joanna explains more about what an osteopath could do for you.

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Patient review for osteopathy at Cram osteopaths


We love to see our patients doing so well after a course of treatment.  Sharon was kind enough to share her experience at Cram osteopaths after coming to us and having a course of 'hands on' treatment over the last few weeks.  Pain of any kind can be so isolating and in Sharon's own words 'I've been able to get my independence back'  Thank you Sharon for sharing your experience with all of us.


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Cram Osteopaths - Osteopath In Glasgow


We have 3 clinics based in and around Glasgow.  We can provide treatment for back pain, joint pain, slipped discs, plantar fasciitis and many more conditions.  We use the most up to date treatments to help provide care, including shockwave treatment and IDD therapy.

For more information then please call on 0141 339 0894 and one of our team will happily speak to you to discuss your individual needs.

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Osteopath Glasgow

osteopath glasgow Sep 22, 2022
"Osteopath Glasgow Long Established Family Run Local Business Established in Glasgow in 1946, our highly knowledgeable and experienced team have great relationships with local doctors and specialists, in the Glasgow area."
"We have helped 1000s of patients just like you, get back to doing the things you love without pain or restriction. Latest Treatment Technology For Slipped Disc and Chronic Back Pain."
"Here at Cram Osteopaths we regularly invest in the latest available treatment techniques and technologies, to ensure the best possible outcome for our patients."
"Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Upper Back Pain, Sciatica, Slipped Disc, Tendon Injuries, Joint Pain, Hip Pain Shoulder Pain"
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How to get walking more

news Jun 15, 2022

Walking can be one of the best things that you can do to help get yourself moving and rehabilitating yourself from back pain that you’re suffering. One of the things that we say in the practice or the tips that we recommend is that if someone comes in with an acute low back problem and they’re struggling to move around once you’re up on your feet again and you’re able to walk then that’s what we really try to encourage.
However you can overdo it. What we want you to do is be up and moving and walking around for 10 or 15 minutes in every hour. This especially applies for the people that are sitting down, who’ve got a desk based job.
Now, one of the things that you can do is set your alarm for 50 minutes or a timer for 50 minutes. You leave it in another room or across the other side of the room when that alarm goes off after 50 minutes, that’s your cue to get up and move around.
If your phone is next to you, you just snooze it and ignore it. But if it’s making

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Osteopathy Can Help with Plantar Fasciitis

news Jun 15, 2022

Plantar fasciitis is a common condition and the principal cause of adult heel pain. If you have plantar fasciitis, this means the ligament running the length of your foot’s bottom, the plantar fascia, has several tiny tears inside it. If not treated, these tiny tears will inevitably lead to a bigger tear. It can be causing you a lot of pain and discomfort until then. Don’t worry, because Osteopathic care will help treat you if you’re one of the millions of us who suffer from plantar fasciitis.

Much can cause plantar fasciitis, including damage from falling or extreme exercise. Wearing the wrong kind of shoes that don’t provide enough support, standing up for long periods of time or arthritis can cause this condition too. When pain in your foot from this condition rears its ugly head, you can start compensating in the way you walk to reduce pain, but that can lead to other issues such as misalignments in other joints in your body.

Osteopathic Care Helps

There are many treatment optio...

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Don’t Let A Slipped Disc Ruin Your Life: Osteopathy Can Help You Posted by Graeme IMC

news the body Jun 15, 2022

Did you know that back pain and slipped discs cause a loss of workforce of ÂŁ 624 million each year? Slipped (or herniated) discs are a very common problem that affects four out of every five people. Moreover, it is a health problem that anyone can experience at any time: If you do not lift even a light load with the right angle, you may get a slipped disc too. Not sitting in the right position, being overweight, smoking, and not exercising enough are the primary triggers of this problem. Both men and women are equally affected.

Simply put, there are 24 bones in your spine. They stand on top of each other and the area between them is called a “disc”. Think of them as a suspension system: They keep the bones healthy by absorbing the shocks that occur when moving (or lifting). However, if they “slip” for any reason, patients can experience (in some instances) severe pain in every part of their bodies, but most often in the legs. If the herniated disc is serious, the pain may be severe

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